Sunday, December 29, 2013

Poor houses (made of highly flammable materials) were forbidden to fire flame to avoid fire and had

Poor houses (made of highly flammable materials) were forbidden to fire flame to avoid fire and had to cook with small braziers that could be portable or buy termopolia at every meal. In poor households, the kitchen was a viable e improvised corner of the yard or even from the cabin or apartment. Those who could not have a furnace used a kind of ceramic bells placed on the fire.
In domus, small kitchens were a lesser evil, the more sordid place in the house and so were bora latrines, balnea area (also exploits the well water and heat) grouped with other cellae free kitchen design software of servile (stables, bakeries, free kitchen design software wine cellar, pantry) the distant room, but the water never reaches the same kitchen. This seems that we would understand the phrase derogatory Cicero: your philosophy in the kitchen (Att. 15,18,1).
Roman culture frills e wit was not spared of the inconvenience posed odors, smoke, grease and commotion in the kitchen. We get expressions like fire or smell of dark grimy kitchen.
Remotely kitchen was in the atrium and as I said near the latrine and balnea, was already a well service area in the domus larger eddies around the atrium or peristyle free kitchen design software secondary. Lucilius and Varro insist on placing them behind the house. In fact, if the food was not cooled thanks to the portable stove
In the first century in affluent homes the kitchen is installed within a block or clay brick refractory to maintain free kitchen design software a zone of coals. Here on the ashes allowed to cook on the grill. The furnaces were next to these old stoves.
High ceilings in the kitchens free kitchen design software of the villas lae were a precaution the fire is obvious that the problem be the lack of chimneys in these cases have tiles horse to drive or to smoke outside the window . In fact Archaeology that defines free kitchen design software us as they were physically kitchens, vaulted space under the kitchen free kitchen design software where they keep utensils and firewood, sometimes free kitchen design software together and find a place to wash dishes and a table to work.
Despite what sources say were found in the kitchens blackened murals genes. Then it was thought that the kitchen did not work but on fire flame embers from the bonfires lit in the courtyards. Thus neither the kitchens were so stifling.
Furthermore we discuss how it was consecrated by the kitchen fire as fire protective home. The fire blackened so annoying free kitchen design software and also warms, comforts and protects the home and its people. Is positive and is linked to the gods of the household. In fact when the bride comes first in your new home, that of her husband is given the fire and water of the house as a sign that will be the new master.
The gods punished defend free kitchen design software the survival free kitchen design software of the family and to live it in the kitchen and pantry. Cooking is an act of gratitude to the beneficent deities of the family being related and smoke, free kitchen design software household sacrifice, free kitchen design software ritual and punished. The following takes place in a kitchen but it seems quite a sacrifice, a ritual;
"There, free kitchen design software the smoke of the kitchen, he observed, like a augur feathers that came from their prisoners, and recognized by the smoke away from your home, leaving fumerola the roof of his father"
The smoke is associated with the symbolism of the return, the signal that tells us the satisfaction of divinity or indignation toward the offerings presented. Smoke and fog are also part of the ultra world, ghosts, dead spirits. The sign of his return, the vehicle of your presence.
Protection, danger and chaos are concentrated in the kitchen, the smoke can lead foreboding, but can be devastating fire protection convicts ensures continuity in domestic security, free kitchen design software as long as you do not misuse fire kitchen.
The culinary is also an economic space, apart from religious since time immemorial in the atrium when all activities are performed in the house. When the kitchen is becoming a servile, it becomes a space of "quarantine" for workers free kitchen design software and slaves. Dominates as the lady of the house, as manager of the domestic unit family should know it and have to move, but the same will happen to the dominus guarantor of good practices, religion and family well-being ( remember also includes freedmen and slaves). Lars and convicts are the protectors of springs that everyday, free kitchen design software everything that happens in a house, the prayers at the altar of cooking, visits to the latrine, the picnic

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