March 4, 1869, in Washington, Grant became kitchen wall art the eighteenth president of the United States. Retired President Johnson refused to participate in the inauguration of the new president, who arrived before Grant left the White House. Americans have high hopes for the new president, they put Grant seen as a powerful warrior, who can lead the people in a bloody civil war wins leader. But no one noticed the other side of Grant's, long before the war, he was a loser. At West Point, Grant bad grades, not like responsibility. After the Mexican-American War, Grant often alcoholism, so the troops fired him. In the next eight years, kitchen wall art Grant tried different kitchen wall art professions, but failed. Civil war, gave him the chance of success.
"Spoils system", the winner will be a public campaign grant system of the party workers, from Andrew Jackson begin practice. Officials hope to maintain a consistent power in the party loyal to the party when not in power. When the party in power, kitchen wall art two percent of the government wage bill can make party party members satisfied. kitchen wall art But in the 1860s, a growing number of reformers criticized the regime waste and corruption. They say that the appointment of government officials should be based on ability rather than party loyalty. To this end, Rhode Island Congressman Thomas Jenks (Thomas Jakes) filed a motion in 1865 to 1871 during kitchen wall art a meeting of the Congress will each, the Commission recommended the establishment of the civil service system, through competitive exam to appointed officials. Although Jenks proposal never passed, but more and more people support. To the 1870s, the reform of the civil service system has become one of the most powerful reform movement.
Grant came to power at the beginning, beyond political reformers on the president pinned their hopes. Grant also seems to want to reform the civil service system kitchen wall art on. Grant and all the new owner of the White House as the official who much trouble to discuss. Grant once said, "the power to appoint official is the bane of the presidency kitchen wall art in this country mound, no one more than the president's desire to reform the civil service system." But Grant's performance on this issue is mixed, he let Treasury Secretary Boutwell (George S Boutwell), Minister of the Interior Cox (Jacob kitchen wall art D Cox) and Minister of Justice Hall (Ebenezer R Hoar) to implement a fair examination in their ministry to determine promotion and appointment of certain duties; In the 1870 annual message to Congress, the Grant urged the development of reform legislation, both houses made a joint decision to authorize kitchen wall art the president to set up a committee to develop new rules for the civil service. Grant appointed "Harper's Weekly" editor George William (George William) to lead this committee. The Committee recommended various types of competitive kitchen wall art examinations for civil service kitchen wall art positions at all levels as to obtain the necessary conditions, and urged political parties to abolish wage approved. Grant ordered the implementation of these rules since 1872. But Congress refused to be allocated sufficient funds to enable the Commission can not effectively implement the new rules. Only a few government departments of certain provisions in the Grant's tenure has not been a thorough reform of the spoils system.
Radical Republicans are losing ground in the south of the earliest Virginia (Virginia), Virginia is changing the way of peace. Is not the case in other states, Tennessee, Georgia and North Carolina, the Democrats kitchen wall art won the elections with threats kitchen wall art and violence. These elections are usually led by three K partisan. Three K party is an underground terrorist organization composed of whites. Three K partisan think whites than blacks, wearing hooded clothing, destroy Republicans venue, threats, beatings and killings of blacks, blacks forced kitchen wall art to stay away from politics, they are those who help blacks whites terrorist actions.
Shortly after the Civil War, three K party in southern states has emerged. kitchen wall art 1871, Republican kitchen wall art congressman called for legislation to ban three K Party. A commission of inquiry was set up, headed to the Republicans, the party committee to investigate the behavior of the three K's in the southern states. They listened to a lot of terrorist acts three K party, three K party control of these acts is drafting a bill to provide three K party help. After a debate, the Congress passed the bill. This bill granting the president authority to implement martial law in the southern states. Democrats accused the bill's purpose is to ensure that the Republican power in the South. Grant Under the Act, act quickly, and he declared a state of martial law in most parts of South Carolina, and thousands kitchen wall art of people were arrested, kitchen wall art they will be tried in federal court, kitchen wall art the jury is mainly composed of freedmen and radical Republicans.
All this does is Grant's responsibility. Grant honest, sincerely hope that reform, his achievements during his tenure should be commended. But corruption and compared to those achievements now too trivial. 1859, William Tweed (William M Tweed) established in New York, "Tweed Ring" gangs seek private gain, misappropriation of huge sums of money, was "New York Times" expose, arrest and conviction, died in prison . The Standard Oil Company of Pennsylvania in addition to not make a clean outside parliament becomes, what it can do. Easing tensions in the post-war economic explosive growth in 1867 after the recession and strengthen kitchen wall art people's speculative frenzy that the moral standards of society as a whole declined. Expand and contract wartime government kitchen wall art agencies increased, for a number of unscrupulous people who opened the way. All this provoked a revolt Republicans insist on reform. Initially, they want to control the party, remove those corrupt and nominate people who support reform to replace Grant presidential campaign in 1872. But this is impossible, reformers out of the Republican Party, formed the Liberal Republican Party. Their goal is to create a "national elite proud of" the government. These people have ideals of the nineteenth century British liberalism, namely individual freedom, constitutional kitchen wall art government and free trade. They opposed the tariff protection, support the reform of administrative institutions, the failure of the government in this regard Grant deeply hope. They advocate amnesty, on the south end of military control. When the Republicans turn their attention toward the south freedom, they found that some of the most "outstanding" figures turned out to be the former Confederacy molecules, many of them are not qualified to hold public office.
Liberal Republican nomination for "The New York Tribune," the boss Horace Gelai Li (Horace Greeley) for the presidential candidate. Liberal Democrats support the newly formed Republican Party's presidential 1872, they also 提名格莱利 as presidential candidate. Gelai Li is a household name, he has a quixotic character, in the nearly four decades reporter career, Ge Laili support kitchen wall art a wide variety of unwelcome controversy great views and positions. 1861, 格莱利 after eleven states in the South seceded to keep the peace in a short period of silence, and in advocating wavering between a full-scale war and a negotiated kitchen wall art settlement. After the war, Ge Laili tough renewal policy support, and ask for forgiveness rebels. Gelai Li gives the impression of ideological confusion, he also attacked Democrats long, which made him unable to achieve true alliance with the Democratic Party.
Freedmen education upset many Southern whites, they were afraid to do so would jeopardize the authority of whites. And visionary Southerners know, let freemen education will make them freely kitchen wall art available to produce their own responsibility. But they fear the north teachers will "wrong concept of equality" to instill freemen, so they attack northern teachers. To 1870, the number of teachers in the north has dropped to less than half of the advantages of the. This year's statistics kitchen wall art show that half of the school teachers were black, kitchen wall art a small part of the Southern white teachers. In 1870, the South has four thousand freedmen schools, teachers and twenty nine thousand million students; Freedmen twelve percent kitchen wall art of school-age children into the school enrollment ratio of children in Southern whites do not much higher.
And his first government, like Grant's second government kitchen wall art is more corrupt. Although I am not directly involved in Grant, who because of his close relationship with those scandals, the federal government and therefore suffered voters condemnation. First, the Union Pacific Railroad Company kitchen wall art with stock bribe government kitchen wall art officials and even congressional leaders and Vice President, in exchange for federal grants. Before long, a good friend of Grant's, America's richest banker Joey Cook (Jay Cooke), to raise funds to build the Western Railway case, a direct kitchen wall art result of the economic crisis in the United States, the New York Stock Exchange closed for ten days, a large number of factories closed, Thousands of workers lost their jobs. According to the survey, the majority of the closure of the bank violated banking laws. The banking law has not been effectively implemented, because many banks offer a lot of money to the Republican Party. Other scandals have come one after another, in which case one of the largest whiskey called (the Whiskey Ring). The case is a group of whiskey manufacturer collusion with government officials, and these officials are Grant's friends, they collusion and tax evasion. Grant's closest advisers is a central kitchen wall art figure in the case, but the jury found him not guilty. But hundreds of whiskey manufacturers and government officials found guilty. Whisky case the president and voters have lost confidence in the federal government.
Before the Civil War to the Spanish-American War, the American Industrial Revolution and the fastest growing economies in the period, but these developments, mainly in the north. kitchen wall art iron and steel industry in the Andrew Carnegie (Andrew Carnegie), the U.S. steel industry, a series of technological innovation, and greatly reduces the cost of increased production, kitchen wall art he has tremendous power and influence in the U.S. national economy. John D Rockefeller kitchen wall art (John D Rockefeller) in the oil industry as well. to Cornelius Vanderbilt (Cornelius Vanderbilt), led by railway transport, after the Civil War, the construction of a railway network across the country. kitchen wall art Although Vanderbilt could not control the entire rail industry, but he, like Carnegie and Rockefeller kitchen wall art have enormous power and influence in the U.S. national economy.
South is different. Only Louisiana (Louisiana), South Carolina and Florida (Florida) kitchen wall art provides for the protection of school desegregation in the law. However, even in these three states, the Act does not perform in most areas. New Orleans (New Orleans) has made great achievements in terms of desegregation, because New Orleans has a national culture from around the world, there are all kinds of skin color, it is difficult kitchen wall art to distinguish between "black" and "white" distinction . However, the elimination kitchen wall art of apartheid in New Orleans also caused kitchen wall art tensions and riots. Thousands of white children go to a private kitchen wall art school, or drop out altogether. 1877, the Democratic-controlled Louisiana and South Carolina State Capitol, ending the possibility of desegregation in public education in the South.
1870, Charles Sumner (Charles Samner) senator introduced a bill to prohibit racial discrimination in American schools, the jury, all modes of transport and public facilities. People were mobilized around trying to "wipe away the last of this long-standing stain of slavery." Each session of Congress, Sumner have raised the bill until 1874 died so far. But many people think that the bill is unconstitutional because the Fourteenth kitchen wall art Amendment only outlawed racial discrimination by the state government, does not prohibit kitchen wall art discrimination against individuals or companies. Public schools within the scope of state agencies, but the amendment is applicable to non-public schools is not clear. Fourteenth Amendment through Congress in the District of Columbia (District of Columbia) to establish a public school system of apartheid. A lot of sympathy for the radical Republicans Sumner desire, but they worry that the bill would destroy kitchen wall art the South school. The Senate in May 1874 by the Sumner motion. February 1875, the House of Representatives after deleting the conditions of the schools, adopted the motion. The contents of the decree far ahead of that era. Most MPs voted in favor of the motion will not believe its unconstitutional overcome challenges, or will be executed. Justice Department did not implement the law. After the ordinance passed, some U.S. rail lines, urban tram lines, restaurants and theaters kitchen wall art began providing services to blacks, but the southern most areas do not. Several cases of racial discrimination in the lower federal courts of appeal to the Supreme Court. 1883, the Federal Supreme Court violated the Constitution Act 1875 (except with respect to the jury's terms). kitchen wall art On the grounds that the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, the Congress the power to enact laws against racial discrimination states, but has no right to develop individual acts of discrimination against the decree.
Grant, the American people are very disappointed that he is the hero of the Civil War, he led the North defeated the Confederate army in the Civil War. However, during the tenure of President Grant, his popularity declined kitchen wall art significantly, Grant is not a capable politician, he was unable to control the people around him. The American people are also worried about the economic situation in the country, during the second term of President Grant, the United States a serious economic recession, many people lost their jobs, people have accused Republican kitchen wall art rule. 1874 of state and parliamentary elections is an important turning point, eighteen years Democrats controlled the House of Representatives for the first time, they won over 160 nine seats, while the Republicans only one hundred and nine seats. Democratic Party gubernatorial elections thirty-five national states won twenty three states governors, these states even have a few northern states, even those northern states are tired of Republican rule.
Election 1876, the Democratic nomination, New York Samuel Tilden (Samuel J Tilden) presidential candidate, they use reform as a campaign platform. Tilden is the chairman of the state Democratic Party in New York, in the purge Tweed Group earned a reputation reformers. 1874, Tilden election as governor of New York, then immediately expose a "Canal group" scamming. Tilden's election platform has twelve mention of "reform." Tilden said only Democrat to the state "saved from corrupt centralized system in which the system created authoritarian kitchen wall art and greedy speculators government after ten states, then the federal government made a disastrous, no act, spendthrift and full of fraud. kitchen wall art "
Civil War, the North Junqiang Jun Hayes, Ohio, served three times longer, we can accept kitchen wall art him. On reform, Hayes enjoys a good reputation, he was the Republican moderates. Republican campaign platform assurance given South "long-term stability" and simultaneously achieve "equality of civilians, political parties and the public to exercise their rights when." Hayes told the presidential nomination letters include everyone desired content. kitchen wall art For those southerners against speculators rule hopeless, this letter kitchen wall art promised to give the South a "honest and capable local government." kitchen wall art It also affirmed that "if kitchen wall art the legislative power of the people in the long-neglected part of the human, then there will be no lasting peace."
Election results South Carolina, Louisiana and a Florida contradiction with each other. Louisiana and Florida, two states kitchen wall art elections, Tilton has won. South Carolina State, Hayes narrowly win. These three states, by the State Board of Elections Republican-controlled state government. Dozens of "inspection officials," the leader of the bipartisan National Commission visit three states, kitchen wall art the state campaign committee oversight
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