Friday, October 18, 2013

Dior ad aesthetics katalpa indeed not sin .. ;-) .... but Dune leans can not ... :-) ..... oh the h

There is a Dior ad, which works for me as a red rag to a bull. And while promoted ing perfume I like very much, I could never violent to buy, just because of the poster for the fragrance J'adore.
It's not about sympathy (in my case, lack thereof) to Charlize Theron. As for me, it is unacceptable gesture actress, which fetches out a stiff gore dress. His message katalpa agrees with me on so many levels katalpa that I do not know where to start.
First of all, as advertising Clarins katalpa with wedges on kolarzowce, also this photo offends the recipient of intelligence (to the recipient katalpa just wanna ride). Dress such as that Charlize, it is impossible to pull dul, except that this is a special version of the corset adapted to night clubs where strippers with one hand deliverance August of each cloth. Or so I, as a receiver, too stupid to pay attention to the type of clothing, or also suggests to me in August we identify with go-go dancer. Alternatively, Charlize smell evokes in the fever, the, poor, regardless of the situation, and so tries to break free from the shackles of clothing. AAA mercy.
A potential customer would be satisfied and may: cat on a hot tin roof, a female at the peak of rut, playing in front of the eyes of the Lord and the Lord of the mating temptation. Only if I want to savor what is clearly addressed to the masculine (and even heavily stereotyped) recipients, in addition to implying sexuality straight from the bars with a cheap strip? Of course, there is a chance that the actress katalpa a fever trying to August rozdziac not for mens eyes, but for me, the viewer. And somehow, this version also does not get to me, because katalpa watching other women in sexual madness, enough of that, being the sole recipient evokes in me embarrassment. Third version? Charlz standing in front of the mirror, and instance, will double and triple for itself, which it may well do so by August utosamiajaca the actress, the potential client. Honestly? Gazing katalpa down at her upholstery with the look on his face is too much even for my vanity, not to mention the fact that my breasts katalpa hurt just thinking katalpa about the probie squeezed into the straitjacket.
Fashion and image Dior quite some time lose kitsch and coarsely hewn message (well, for some reason early Doda she looked like a walking advertisement brand). Zaubila somewhere legenarna elegance of the company and can simply shoddy and primitive instincts are selling better katalpa ...
Sheila, it's the same as I do. Advertisements (current)-offs, but color Poisonek walked looong time, especially white captivated me. With this, it was already over mezowym, and with my alergiku eliminated the problem to buy / not buy. As a consolation, both of us, Poison has had a sensational advertising, in your free time and will do wygrzebię note, one was fun with the theme of Vanitas (my lecturer spoke of iconography in such cases, the advertising agency sits some frustrated colleague, has not yet I know that frustrated, however, account katalpa the legitimate). Go Elsa .. write (a) of comment dated 2011/07/08 1:33:22 p.m.:
Dior ad aesthetics katalpa indeed not sin .. ;-) .... but Dune leans can not ... :-) ..... oh the hot sand! Go sheila wrote (a) comment dated 2011/07/08 3:19:35 p.m.:
I'm waiting on a note of these ads! Several associate, but already mglicie, cool byoby town where time is collected. A poison unless the buy. Only temporarily potzreba sponsor me, because the seasonal sales sharply zaszalaam katalpa ;) joannea wrote (a) comments dated 2011/07/08 4:55:18 p.m.:
for Mom, do not tell me as much as clearance sales, just waiting, and spouse discovers that once again we did not close the door of the cabinet - but at these prices, you just can not not to buy :) A note probably rigged up next week!
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