Monday, March 16, 2015

Roksburgā, the city where turmpāk work, arrive already the day before, so we engineered granted cor

Roksburgā, the city where turmpāk work, arrive already the day before, so we engineered granted corner cabinets 3 bedroom cottage. The house as it turns out is one of the first in the region, although it is not in perfect condition, we are happy because corner cabinets we have our own bed, shower and kitchen, followed kempingojot we were particularly desperate. Around our housing unit are dozens (maybe hundreds) of peach trees, from which we collect through the first few days to a fetus, and, of course, rabbits, which New Zealand is probably everywhere. Work? Hmmm .... what to start with ??? At present, our store is a 3 varieties of apricots, peaches, nectarines, apples, pears, plums, there are vegetables, real fruit ice cream, various jams, sauces, chutneys, juices, sweets. It as simple - while unpacking boxes and bags of fruit, vegetables, working corner cabinets at the cash register, supplement shelves missing by way of ice-cream .... Now, almost at all are more or less accustomed to, but now this is no ordinary fruit shop on the roadside. We work 6 days a week, 10 hours a day without rest or event of another black at times, also pusdenas eating, what to do, because everything always have to be perfect The problem is our boss, and it is a very big problem, which we hope to withstand another month. Either way Roksburga is a small village, where the only grocery store is closed corner cabinets even before we finish our work and the Internet pay LVL 2 per hour.
hello! I only just you "found" and began to read from the beginning. that's what I wanted to tell you is that I heart seizes long way to go and I admire you because you're already "there"! one day I will. good luck and all the other necessary, go on to read the very beginning and thank you for sharing! ;) Saturday, April 17, 2010
*** Why? A lot of talk about how well would go to India, how much can catch catfish in Spain, to see the real cannibals or pull in a cave above the Arctic Circle, corner cabinets we figured out that better than talking could prove attempting! John and Laura try something from all this travel miracle catch and hopefully will continue to talk about it here! View my complete profile
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