mondoga: @ zegernyei "@ Nicholas: A linguist urban kitchen with a degree from Timisoara or Aachen" The post ... 2014th 03 16, Hungary 02:06 What language strategy? Miklós László @ Air: "The sentence you quoted is my work. If you see anything from sliding, no ... 2014th 03 15, Hungary 22:34 What language strategy? xxii: I just came across the article and in a view - false allegation: that the Italian ... 2014th 03 15 21:15 The Baltic peoples in the name of szigetva: urban kitchen @ Krizsán: the father, or even several centuries urban kitchen earlier ancestor lived is called Brutus: hu.wikipedi ... 2014th 03 15, 20:48 a roller stabbing conditions: It really urban kitchen is proven statistically, and everybody believes what some opposition ... 2014th 03 15, 20:19 How to lure selections ...
Potemkin kitchen has dubbed the Zinc Hungarian cuisine set in winter urban kitchen Olympians, as the tap water was not, and can not be short of gas to cook it. But out of the Potemkin, and what to look for in the kitchen?
Grigory Alexandrovich Potyomkin-Tavricseszkij in 1739 was the governor of Smolensk from a noble family as a child. Major lost his father early, raised by his mother in Moscow. Here he began his university studies also initially so successful that St. Petersburg urban kitchen called and showed Elizabeth Carnoët too - but later citing laziness and absence of the expelled tanintézményből.
Lucky In developed military career. During the 1762's military coup - when II. Catherine knocked on the throne of her husband, III. Peter - he has considerable merit, and the most elevated circles. Starting from 1763 the Holy Synod (the Russian empire top fiscal body of the church) has been supervising the Attorney General, but he continued his military career, more anti-Turkish urban kitchen campaign, participated. In 1784 he was promoted to hadseregparancsnokká. Military reform process, he founded the Black Sea fleet.
Potyomkinnak huge role in reclaimed land from the Turks by Russia (southern part of present-day Ukraine, Russia and lying north of the Caucasus regions) who settled, colonization. Founded cities, forests, vineyards and installed, schools, factories, printing houses founded - although plans for a large part of it could not touch or they have died at the beginning, so also achieved a lot.
1787 II. Catherine traveled to the Crimea to see what progress has been made in the field. (According to some sources this incognito Austrian Emperor Joseph II - King and hat -. Accompanied him.) And this is where the story of Potemkin villages. According to legend, Potyomkin along the Dnieper álfalvakat built the houses was only the facades, but I could not see the upscale traveler. When the guests are gone, the village continued to travel further urban kitchen and set up at the next station. The history of the Potemkin villages, not everyone finds credible, and there are a compromise of ideas, showing that indeed travel urban kitchen Potemkin fed such decoration, but decoration and not for the purpose of deceiving passengers. In any case, the fact that if the Potemkin villages in history, if not authoritative, in any event become a reality, for example, in October 2013, when Vladimir Putin visited Szuzdalba. If you do not álfalvakat pulled up, but the run-down houses facades tarpaulins "renovated" to make for your car flying past president status right genuine.
The term Potemkin village has several language used in relation to the reality of the situation better than index manipulation. In the same way other Potemkin prefix composition can be created, such as Potemkin kitchen. But why is it called aa Patyomkinnak villages, where the name was prominent figures Potyomkin? This question is at least as interesting as the history of the name.
Earlier we wrote about how to write Russian names into Hungarian. It turns out that the Russian part of words transcribed Hungarian pronunciation, and partly based on Russian spelling of (átbetűzés). urban kitchen Потёмкин the name of the first syllable of the Russian spelling according о is to write, but as unstressed. In the words of потёмки [potyomki] 'darkness' comes from the word, which по - [po] 'after' preposition words, the тём - [tyom] 'dark' lake and - к - [k] képzőből available (for и [i ] the plural urban kitchen endings, the word is used only in the plural) - from the structure appears initially by the reported period after dark. It is interesting to us only because по - [po] 'after' preposition о always write with. But the Russian literary language (and the southern dialects) of unstressed o dropping the same as with those of the unstressed sounds like a short [d] to. The Potemkin transcription urban kitchen thus to better suit the pronunciation - in fact irregular, but it probably comes from a time when the transcript is not yet regulated.
It is known, however, urban kitchen has a transcription of the Potemkin well. This is used as the English urban kitchen and German texts, earlier (20th century public
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