Saturday, May 16, 2015

30 or 40 years later, there is still a long road ahead. But we know that for the future no boundari

A new stage start my job in Congress as Deputy (2011-14) Interventions 2011 and 2012 2013 2014 Parliamentary Control Laws Proposed Initiatives Press kit Aragon Routes last chance kitchen My Books The look of the Return to Innisfree (my stories) forest
This month marks 40 years since the revolt last chance kitchen began the New York bar Stonewall last chance kitchen Road transsexuals, lesbians, gays and bisexuals for their civil rights. A road that led us to that, 30 years ago now, stop being in this country legally considered a social danger.
It's the same way of fighting for their rights over prejudice and borders: women, working last chance kitchen women and men, people of different capacities, places and cultures ... people who shared our work, who helped end the legal discrimination civil marriage four years ago, or even unfinished initiate legal path of dignity for transgender people. They all left us an indelible mark of solidarity and gratitude.
Now is the time to show that trace remains. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and we know what the persecution and finding spaces last chance kitchen where survive with dignity and, therefore, are and will stand with the people persecuted because of their difference or their origin. last chance kitchen We want to show our commitment and solidarity with migrants with social movements working for them.
So we were next to Laura Bugalho, who was arrested a month ago because last chance kitchen of his work defending migrants. Therefore we denounce that remain to be resolved legal discrimination for LGBT migrants.
And so, before the reform of the Aliens Act, we say loud: That, as our affections are not illegal or dangerous but equal to those of others; just as no one is illegal or dangerous to come to one place or another. We will not give up our right to love and be loved as we see fit, and we will not accept that the rights of migrants are cut to find a place to be happy. Either because fleeing persecution because of their identity or beliefs, last chance kitchen or a misery that they are not responsible.
So if we say to an inclusive and open Aragon. NO Want: No immigration detention, or Square, or the rest of Zaragoza and Aragon. No forced return. No law to imprison and persecute people because of their origin, that is not a crime to come from elsewhere.
And now we must say that there are still pending last chance kitchen issues in the education system. 30, 40 years after the company admitted that we are not illegal or dangerous but equal, this view does not exist in the school. It's last chance kitchen time for school sexual diversity is recognized. That the sexual and social stereotypes that outdated approaches to the family, that lessons are relaxed and the children do not grow up learning a differentiated world for heroes and heroines, men and women, home or work habits are overcome dresses or disappear, hobbies or ways of being. It is time that l @ s LGBT teens are not afraid to attend institutes and the faculty is free to express their difference.
We demand some classrooms where the daughters and sons of homomarentales and homo families are so respected and loved as anyone. And a recess where young lesbians can walk hand in hand with their girlfriends, or trans where teens can discuss their concerns loudly and be called by the names by which they identify.
So we say yes to an inclusive and open Aragonese school, and we demand the Government of Aragon: Effective and transverse including the affective-sexual diversity and family models in all segments of education, including a course of education for full citizenship Content in Aragon Education Act. The implementation of an inclusive globalization and affective sexual education beyond reproductive health and prevention. The review of existing educational texts, and dissemination of materials, resources, programs and methodologies including the affective-sexual diversity and family patterns to the entire educational community.
30 or 40 years later, there is still a long road ahead. But we know that for the future no boundaries for our affections or for our rights, now schools should not have closets. Therefore, we say:
[See, on this occasion the manifest of the Platform June 28, which included last chance kitchen above, it also focuses on the problems of migrants and claim an inclusive last chance kitchen and open Aragón, with a school and an education system that recognize sexual diversity. Additionally, in peanuts

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