Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Corner Book distraught booksellers couple opened in 2004 the first tallow Marica, which in time bec

After nearly 50 years in the shadows, back in the market "The coup began in Washington," a book by journalist and historian Edmar Morel (1912-1989). Reissued for the first time, via Paco Editorial and updated by Edmar's grandson, also a journalist Marco Morel, the book was part of the first wave of publications contrary to the civil-military coup in 1964 and joined the list of collected cabinet lighting titles and banned by the dictatorship.
Avant-garde, just one year after the coup, Edmar reported in the work which later would become increasingly evident and proven: a direct military intervention and US policy in Brazil. Originally drafted in agile style, and now in annotated version, the work brings extensive documentation and critical analysis about the traumatic and yet misunderstood episode of recent Brazilian cabinet lighting history.
"The coup began in Washington" is available throughout Brazil by virtualPaco bookstore, but the official launch cabinet lighting will be 22, in the Library Lane - Botafogo in Rio.
Corner Book distraught booksellers couple opened in 2004 the first tallow Marica, which in time became the largest sector in the Lakes Region of Rio de Janeiro. Closed the store in 2013, continue their love of books and news about them via Internet. www.estantevirtual.com.br/cantodolivro View my complete profile
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