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Ambassador for the Athens Marathon ten year old child emigrated following the family from the Lachanada of Pylos in Denver, Colorado. Since 14 years in the struggle for survival, manages to create with his brothers business and live the American dream. Today, Apostolos Samaras deals exclusively with how to bring more Americans, but also people from all over the planet, in Greece. Not just for tourism, but also to take part in the Athens Classic Marathon. Faithful and year to date, the Apostle came to Athens for the 31th Classic Marathon held on November 10, dedicated to the memory of Grigoris Lambrakis. With him came many athletes from around the world, not only to take part in the race, but also to experience the beauty and history of Greece. We met a few days ago in Finicounda, among friends and relatives, and we talked about the beautiful adventure. When the 1965 Elias Samaras announced to his family that they will leave for America, Little apostle, disciple Wednesday Primary put tears. "Maybe I was barefoot, but I had my friends and have a great time," accent wall ideas he says. Difficult years Despite the objections of the family with four children arrive after one month trip to America. accent wall ideas In Denver, accent wall ideas Colorado awaits them the brother of his father, lying there since 1912. Difficult years, father and older brothers working as dishwashers Greek restaurants accent wall ideas are small Apostle accent wall ideas trying to learn letters at school. "It was not easy to adapt, accent wall ideas but I learned letters with the help of my classmates and television, and especially my teacher, she mows the lawn." In 14 years, saying he has lied turns 16, is acclaimed Greek restaurant dishes. Makes many jobs until 1968 starts with his brother, George, his own work. Greek taverna with Greek cuisine and bouzouki. You see, Denver has over 10,000 Greeks. Tribute And while everything went very well, the Apostle read in the local press a small tribute to the Athens Marathon. "I see how many people run in America, but none of them knew that there is this event in Athens, so I decided to try to make it known." 1994 brings in Greece for the Athens Marathon 22 people, the next time people accent wall ideas are 80, to arrive in 2010, so coming to Athens 565 people. How, though, managed to collect so many athletes? "I'm serious advertising in magazines, on smaller sporting newspapers, and the internet." After episodes of the Constitution, which yperprovlithikan media of America, Apostle lost its 'customers', since the Americans mistook Athens to Baghdad. "But where we want to go, there are killed, not watch TV?" He told an American. With great effort the Apostle manages accent wall ideas to convince them that Athens is a safe city, so come and this year several. The athletes were from the U.S., Australia, Canada, accent wall ideas Colombia, Iran, Norway and England. However, the role of the Apostle does not stop in Marathon. As he says, "I want to learn foreign to our history and the beauty accent wall ideas of my country." So after the marathon, foreigners accent wall ideas visiting the Acropolis, accent wall ideas Delphi, Olympia, Epidaurus and other archaeological sites. Apostolos Samaras was for many years a representative of Athletics Federation in North America, and participates in the Diaspora organizations. Last October in New York welcomed Prime countryman and distant relative, Antonis Samaras, a manifestation of the 'Greek Initiative, "which aims at attracting investments in Greece. "Before becoming prime minister accent wall ideas talking, but now with so many responsibilities he has, I dare not call him." Greek Americans have been sensitized to the situation experienced by the Greeks, so last August the Greeks of Denver offered $ 23,000 to the organization of the Church of Greece "Send". "The Greeks have suffered worse, will all work together and get out of the crisis," says completing our conversation Apostolos Samaras. SOURCE: Nation / Peter Tsonis
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