Thursday, October 2, 2014

The realtor told me how Dekora could stage the house so the

We appreciate and are very grateful for every testimonial we receive. After all, our clients take time from their busy lives to share their staging and customer service experience with us. And, like every staging project we share with our customers, aristokraft cabinets testimonials are unique, personal reflections.
Wanting top dollar for our house we asked our realtor for advice. We were told our house had potential but lacked the wow factor. Dekora was called in. Wow factor was quickly installed and the house sold in 4 days while those around us are still on the market. The same house plan just down the street sat on the market for over 2 months in same time period!
Okay, what I really wanted to say: I have 3 large hairy dogs and an equal amount of males. I told our realtor we could move out before listing the house and I am pretty sure he did a happy dance (read: orgasm). Dogs, teens and a husband who has a penchant aristokraft cabinets for painting everything is not a strong selling point.
The realtor told me how Dekora could stage the house so the ‘oh so 90′s’ floor would not be such an eyesore; that the stain on the dining room ceiling (from the time my son took the Chocolate Lab into the bathtub above to teach him how to breath underwater and it didn’t aristokraft cabinets go so well) would not be noticed due to the beautiful furnishings; the tree in the backyard aristokraft cabinets – bark missing due to the petting zoo birthday party and the goat ate it all when we were all looking for the escaped pig and the three year old who followed aristokraft cabinets it – would not be noticed out picture window; the shaken Dr Pepper debacle – made worse by husband with a paint brush – non issue with counter top decorations; bathtub stain from the Costco Easter plant of ’98 aristokraft cabinets – die you bastard, DIE!! – I took it with me, I just put it outside aristokraft cabinets for sun, honestly!!- would be fine with a few white towels and it isn’t cheating to do so.
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